what is a general plan?

The General Plan is a comprehensive document which outlines community-wide priorities, goals and specific implementation measures to create a sustainable, resilient, and livable Riverside. The Update process will ensure that the General Plan reflects the vision and diverse voices of all residents through 2050. The Citywide initiative will include robust public outreach in each of the City’s Wards and will identify focus areas for enhanced analysis and outreach.

What is in a General Plan?

The General Plan is organized into sections called “Elements.” California law requires certain Elements to be included in General Plans and in Riverside, our General Plan additional Elements that exceed state mandates.

Describes the city’s natural resources and benefits provided to the community.

Conservation Icon


Improves the economic prosperity of the community by strengthening businesses, retaining and growing jobs, and investing in our communities.

Economic Development and Innovation

Economic Development and Innovation Icon

Environmental Justice, Air Quality, Health and Education

Environmental Justice, Air Quality, Health Icon

Addresses ways to reduce health risks in underrepresented communities by means that include, but not limited to, the reduction of pollution exposure, improvement of air quality and promotion of public health resources.

Open Space, Parks, and Recreation

Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Icon

Identifies areas that provide value in an undeveloped condition and provide for parks and recreation systems that meet the community’s needs.

Identifies potential hazards to the community’s welfare, safety, and health to create policies that minimize potential human injuries and damage to properties.

Public Safety Icon

Public Safety

Public Facilities and Infrastructure

Public Facilities and Infrastructure Icon

Outlines projected public facilities and infrastructure improvements to support the future population of the city.

Assesses the current and projected housing conditions and needs of all aspects of the community and provides policies for adequate housing.

Housing Icon


Designates the general distribution and general location of land throughout the city for its uses related to housing, business, industry, open space and more.

Land Use and Urban Design Icon

Land Use and Urban Design

Arts, Culture, and Historic Preservation

Arts, Culture, and Historic Preservation Icon

Fosters a civic environment that promotes artistic expression and cultural diversity and preserves historical resources.

Identifies ways to limit the exposure of the community to excessive noise levels.

Noise Icon


Assesses the city’s infrastructure needs to keep people, services, and goods moving smoothly.

Mobility and Circulation Icon

Mobility and Circulation

How do the elements work together?

The Elements in the General Plan are like individual pieces of a puzzle that link together to create a unified vision of the future of Riverside. Like how each piece of a puzzle is uniquely designed to be compatible with another specific piece, Elements in a general plan cannot conflict with one another and must complement each other. General Plans can only function effectively if the policies, goals, and implementation measures of each Element are consistent with one another and no Element is prioritized over another.

why update the general plan?

Updating the General Plan will ensure the City is complying with state legislation and nationwide policy goals. The current General Plan was last updated in 2007 and has served as a strategic, long-range planning document to guide the City’s growth to 2025. This Update process will ensure that the General Plan reflects current community conditions and vision for the City through 2050.

project timeline