frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  • The last General Plan Update was a five-year effort and was adopted in 2007. Over 4,300 residents participated to share their visions and values for the community through 2025.

  • The General Plan Update will take approximately two and a half years, starting in the Summer of 2024 and ending in early 2027.

  • The General Plan affects development by outlining how land will be used. It also identifies the overall goals and vision for future growth such as where more housing should be built, and how to preserve open space.

    The General Plan and Zoning Code are closely linked as the Zoning Code must be consistent with the General Plan. The General Plan provides a broad and long-term outlook for the City’s land use, while the Zoning Code outlines the specifics of the permitted type of development, where, and specific building standards.

    • Residents, current/prospective business owners, and developers will use the Plans to understand their community’s vision and priorities for future growth, development, investment, preservation, conservation and more.

    • City Council and Planning Commission will rely on the goals and policies outlined in the Plans when considering both short-term and long-term decisions and objectives for evaluating and drafting budgets, planning capital improvements, prioritizing city tasks, and more.

    • City Staff will refer to the Plans when working with development applications, capital improvements, city budgeting, and city programs/services.

    • Other local and regional agencies will use the Plans when planning for their organization’s future needs and services.

  • An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is a detailed analysis which provides decision makers and the general public with information about potential environmental effects, methods to mitigate those environmental issues, and identifies alternatives to the proposed project or plan. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires an EIR to be completed in conjunction with a General Plan. The draft EIR is anticipated to be available for public review and commenting during summer 2026 and is expected to be finalized in Fall 2026.

  • The Community Outreach process prioritizes obtaining your feedback prior to any formal decision making. Key decision makers such as City staff, the consultant team, City Councilmembers, and the General Plan Advisory Committee will carefully review and integrate public input prior to establishing key strategies, guidelines, and actions. Community insight is crucial in shaping the outcomes of the Plan. Community members may be asked to help prioritize needs, identify community assets and challenges, and provide qualitative insights into what could make Riverside thrive.

  • Sign-up to our mailing list to receive email notifications and updates.

  • Please reach out to us with any further questions at or text 844-289-8614